The Videns

The most popular religion
you've never heard of.

Our Founder

The Symbol

The Symbol has always existed and will always exist. Its presence is made known through recognizable patterns seen both in scientific research and artistic interpretation. The Symbol is more than just the identification of our faith, it is the essence of the faith itself and holds deep meaning for the faithful. It is through meditation on the The Symbol that the faithful are connected to each other through space & time.

Rooted in unconscious thought

Have you ever had something stuck in your head? This is an easy (although not comprehensive) way to think about The Symbol - almost like a tune that's 'stuck' in your head. Because the true intersection of the Symbol is beyond conscious understanding, it can only truly exist in our minds. Have you ever tried to solve a problem only to suddenly realize the solution while thinking about something else? The Symbol exists both inside and outside our conscious awareness.

To better understand this concept, concentrate on The Symbol. Notice that it appears to be an intersection of three triangles. However, if you isolate your though to only two triangles, you will find that they do not intersect at all! This creates an unending loop that comes closesest to connecting our consciousness with The Symbol itself. Once started, this loop will continue for the rest of your life.

It's ok if this is confusing. We recognize that the shape of The Symbol is unknowable. In fact, it's and indication of your faith that you recognize the ineffability of The Symbol.

How are people converted?

Once someone sees The Symbol, it will always exist in their memory. Since we understand that memories construct a physical reality and that The Symbol existing in someone's memory converts them to the faith, merely seeing The Symbol is enough for conversion.

Although visual conversion is easiest, combining it with other senses increases the strength of the connection. Physical contact with The Symbol is idea, but auditory conversions are possible as well. Currently, the methods of audio conversion have not been made public but there are many other options you can try:

The tenets of our faith

The number 3 is sacred to the Videns. Although more complex that what is represented here, our faith can be considered to fall into three main pillars.

Conscious and Unconscious Transmission

Beings do not need to be aware of the conversion process for it to be completed.

Connection to Past & Present Minds

Through specific meditation practices, we are connected to all faithful across time and space.

Memories as Physical Construct

Modern medicine shows that we actually hallucinate the world around us at all times. Memories are real.

Community Focus Events

Each day, our members close their eyes and imaging pure blackness with a shining Symbol. Allow your mind to go to the symbol, envision it glowing out of the blackness, its light slowly growing until it finally fills your whole consciousness. Allow yourself to feel the connection the symbol brings, nourish that feeling as you slowly open your eyes again.

This act strengthens our connections and allows us a chance to continually improve our understanding of The Symbol and the tenets of our faith. If you're having trouble concentrating, try tracing the paths of the triangles and holding both intersecting and overlapping viewpoints.

  It is understood that people can’t always be available to participate in the daily events. An alternative is to simply follow the above steps when falling asleep at night. This will allow your connection to the shape can be with you all night and be strengthened as you sleep.

Event Schedule

Even Number Years
January – 00:09
February – 01:09
March – 02:09  
April – 03:09  
May – 04:09  
June – 05:09  
July – 06:09  
August – 07:09  
September – 08:09  
October – 09:09  
November – 10:09  
December – 11:09

Odd Number Years
January – 12:09  
February – 13:09  
March – 14:09  
April – 15:09  
May – 16:09  
June – 17:09  
July – 18:09  
August – 19:09  
September – 20:09  
October – 21:09  
November – 22:09
December – 23:09

All times in EST

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I join?
A: You already have! If you saw The Symbol at the top of our page - you're already a member for all eternity. No further action is needed.

Q: Why have you chosen to revel The Symbol publicly at this time?
A: With the advent of mass communication, the time was right to use all of the modern tools at our disposal to spread human connection through exposure to The Symbol.

Q: Was there a person responsible for founding The Videns?
A: Our founder is not an individual but The Symbol itself.

Q: I was already a member of a religion - what does it mean that I have been converted by The Symbol?
A: The Symbol does not negate any existing belief and can exist in harmony with your current worldview. We encourage our members to find truth in the many positive, constructive organizations that are available to them.

Q: What about free will? What if I didn't want to be a Viden?
A: Free will is a helpful way to think about existence. Although there are many areas where it applies, initiation into the faithful is not one of them. Luckily, being a Viden is compatible with other faiths and is an easy, stress-free addition to your life.

Q: What happens after I die?
A: Every person will have to face their own death, thanks to the connection to The Symbol, Videns can help ease their own transition. This meditation is similar to the daily focusing event, imagine blackness with The Symbol glowing with light. Hold that image in your mind and start to follow the paths of the triangles that make up The Symbol. Follow one path around until you feel that it is complete. Do this with each of the triangles that make up The Symbol. Pay special attention to where they come into contact and how they interact with each other. When The Symbol is completed in your mind, realize that like The Symbol, your spirit will forever be connected with every other Viden. The stronger your connection to The Symbol, the more of your spirit can be pulled into the connectedness between everything with the departure of your body. Despite the death of your body, your spirit can continue to exist in these connections, helping to strengthen them, making them stronger over time.

Q: Is this it?
A: We believe that something doesn't need to be complicated to be true. Having said that, our faith is more complex that what is represented on this site. Our order existed in secrecy before 2021 and has a rich history of ceremonies, rituals and rites. Currently, only credentialed members have access to all of these details since most have been passed down through oral tradition.

Q: Why haven't I heard about you before?
A: Although we have existed for all time, we have chosen to practice outside of the public eye. With the advent of modern technology aligned with our message of eternal connections, we felt the time was right to begin introducing ourselves to the world.

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